Founders & Directors

Apostle Andre Dodson Sr.
Leadership & Courage are just a few words that have been used to describe Apostle Andre Dodson Sr. Due to a vast increase in violence in the communities that surround him, he asked himself the age-old question, "Am I my brothers keeper?" His answer is a resounding, "YES!" so he got busy creating programs specifically designed to educate the youth. "Getting our children off the streets and teaming them up with mentors is my top priority. I'm a firm believer that early intervention is the key to prevention." said Apostle Dodson.
His goal is to lead people, especially today's younger generation, into a greater tomorrow, by reminding them that they are Still Our Hope For the Future.
Hobbies: Chaplain, Community Activist, Mentor

Katricia Dodson was born and raised in the inner city of Cleveland, Ohio. As a child she spent a lot of time at the Fairfax Recreation Center located on East 83rd and Central Avenue. Therefore, she had an opportunity to experience first-hand how youth programs can have a positive impact on the lives of the children being served. "The volunteers at Fairfax helped me build life skills that have been a guiding light well into my adulthood. I'd like to pay-it-forward by helping others.", explained Mrs. Dodson. Determined to make a difference, she assists C.A.V. create programs for people in the community that will educate them and enhance their quality of life.
Her goal is to expand C.A.V. globally. "We have to put an end to the senseless acts of violence that's plaguing our world. Therefore, the more people we can reach, the more people we can teach."
Hobbies: Community Activist, Chaplain, Mentor, Volunteer